When it comes to digital identity service, what are individuals most influenced by? Ease of use, reliability, control, clarity and safety. In a word, OwnYou.
In a recent Britainthinks survey, commissioned by the British government as they shape their digital trust framework, five factors were most influential in the likelihood participants would be willing to use a digital identity service:
Other observations from the Britainthinks survey:
- Individuals want clarity about how identity service providers make money and would prefer them not to be funded by data sharing.
- Individuals want it to be clear what information is shared, and with whom.
- Individuals want digital identity providers to be independent to they want to avoid data being used for other purposes.
OwnYou is not a digital identity service provider. Nevertheless, there are substantial cross overs between using digital identity and personal data to access content and services, which is OwnYou’s endeavour, and using digital identity to prove identity (which is what this survey addresses).
Every one of those observations matches our core objectives; putting the control of data back into the hands of the individual, proving transparency that only a truly decentralised service can provide, using an immutable record of what has been shared and with whom, and making it absolutely clear how that data has been used.